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broken image Format is a simple specification that governs the file and directory layout as well as operating behavior of portable apps. Files are distributed as easy-to-use .paf.exe™ installer files. The specification is broken into sections for easy reading.

  1. Stripes 1 7 – Minimalist Rss Reader Chrome Extension Firefox
  2. Stripes 1 7 – Minimalist Rss Reader Chrome Extension Chrome
  3. Stripes 1 7 – Minimalist Rss Reader Chrome Extension Download

1. Directory and File Layout

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Stripes 1 7 – Minimalist Rss Reader Chrome Extension Firefox

The basic directory layout of each portable app consists of a main directory, AppNamePortable which contains three directories: App, Data and Other.

AppNamePortable: contains the main application launcher, typically named AppNamePortable.exe and the main help file help.html. No other files are present in this directory by default.

App: contains all the binary and other files that make up the application itself, usually within a directory called AppName. The other directory called AppInfo (discussed in section 2) contains the configuration details for the Platform as well as the icons used within the menu. It may also contain the launcher.ini configuration file used for the Launcher. The third directory, DefaultData is usually used as a container for the default files to be placed within the Data directory. Generally, the launcher, when run, will check if there is a set of files within Data and, if not, will copy them from DefaultData. The next release of the Installer will do the same.

Data: contains all the user data for the application including settings, configuration and other data that would usually be stored within APPDATA for a locally installed application. The applications released by typically contain the settings in a settings subdirectory, profiles for Mozilla apps in a profiles subdirectory. No application components (binary files, etc) should be contained within the Data directory. The launcher or application must be able to recreate the Data directory and all required files within it if it is missing.

Other: contains files that don't fit into the other categories. The additional images and other files used by help.html included in the main AppNamePortable are included in a Help subdirectory in the Other directory. Images for the help file would be included in an Images subdirectory within the Help subdirectory.

Any source code or source code licensing as well as the source files for the Installer (if desired) are included within the Source subdirectory. This may include the source for the AppNamePortable.exe launcher, a readme.txt file detailing the usage of the launcher, license information and other files.

2. appinfo.ini (App Configuration)

The portable app makes available its configuration information to the Platform by way of the AppInfo details. Within the AppNamePortableApp directory, an AppInfo directory contains an appinfo.ini file as well as any icons used within the menu (explained in Section 3). The appinfo.ini file consists of the following:

Within the appinfo.ini file, the entries are as follows:

Please do not include double quotes within these fields

Within the [Format] section:

Type is the type of configuration file this is (only PortableApps.comFormat is valid at this time).

Version is the version of this format the file is in (currently 3.5).

Within the [Details] section:

Name is the name of your app as it appears in the Menu

AppID is the globally unique id for the application. Apps released by or directly by the publisher of the regular version of the software will generally just be the name without spaces. Apps released by other entities must be where is their company domain. Apps released by individuals on that aren't working towards making it an official release must be AppNamePortable-username where username is the username. AppIDs may contain letters, numbers, periods ( . Swinsian 2 1 11 download free. ), dashes ( - ), plus signs ( + ) and underscores ( _ ).

BaseAppName (optional) is the name of the base app if it differs from the launcher name. This should only be used when legally required for launchers in specific apps. When not needed it should be left out of appinfo.ini.

Publisher is the name of the app publisher as it appears in a hover tip in the next Platform release and within the app details screen. If you are repackaging an app written by someone else, they should also be listed.

Homepage is the homepage of the portable app (not the base app)

Donate is the URL of a page where donations to support development of the app are taken

Category is the category that the application falls into within the Platform. Valid entries are: Accessibility, Development, Education, Games, Graphics & Pictures, Internet, Music & Video, Office, Security or Utilities. Only these *exact* entries are supported and should be used regardless of the default language of the base app (even if this is a German application, it should still use the English translation of the category).

Description is a brief description of what the application is. Maximum of 512 characters.

Language is the language the app is available in. If the app is multilingual, it should be specified as Multilingual. The language string must be in a specific format. The following strings are available: Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Basque, Belarusian, Bosnian, Breton, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cibemba, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Efik, English, EnglishGB, Esperanto, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malay, Mongolian, Norwegian, NorwegianNynorsk, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, PortugueseBR, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, SerbianLatin, SimpChinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, SpanishInternational, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, TradChinese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Valencian, Vietnamese, Welsh, Yoruba.

Trademarks (optional) is any trademark notifications that should appear. For example, HappyApp is a trademark of Acme, Inc. Note that double quotes in this field will be converted to single quotes.

InstallType (optional) is if you would like the app listed as a specific install type within the menu. For some apps that are packaged by language (like Mozilla Firefox), the language may be specified on this line. In installers with optional components, this line is automatically updated by the installer based on the details within installer.ini (see below). The InstallType will be shown within the Platform in the app's details.

Within the [License] section: (all values are either true or false)

Please do not include double quotes within these fields

Shareable is whether the app is allowed to be copied from one drive to another (without the Data directory)

OpenSource is whether the app is fully open source under an OSI approved license

Freeware is whether the app is free (no cost)

CommercialUse is whether the app is allowed to be used in a business environment. It does not indicate permission to commercially distribute. This field will be renamed to eliminate confusion is a later update.

EULAVersion (optional) is used to indicate the version of the End User License Agreement used if you include EULA.txt and require the user to agree to a license to install. If you are using an EULA and omit this entry, the default, 1, will be used.

Within the [Version] section:

Please do not include double quotes within these fields

PackageVersion is the version of the package itself. This must be in format with no other characters and must be incremented with each public release.

DisplayVersion is the user-friendly version that is generally used to describe the version. So, a released app may have a DisplayVersion of 2.4 Revision 2 but a PackageVersion of

Within the optional [SpecialPaths] section:

Plugins (optional) is the path to an app's user-added plugins directory if it is within the App directory (as it is with applications like Firefox). This path is excluded when the installer calculates how much free space is needed for an upgrade. If there is no plugins directory, this value should be omitted from appinfo.ini.

Within the optional [Dependencies] section:

UsesGhostscript (optional) specifies whether the portable app makes use of Ghostscript Portable. If needed, this value should be set to yes. If not needed, it should be omitted or set to no. If Ghostscript adds optional functionality but is not required for normal operation, this value should be set to optional.

UsesJava (optional) specifies whether the portable app makes use of Java Portable. If needed, this value should be set to yes. If not needed, it should be omitted or set to no. If Java adds optional functionality but is not required for normal operation, this value should be set to optional. The deprecated values of true/false will be interpreted as yes/no.

UsesDotNetVersion (optional) specifies which minimum version of the .NET framework the application requires. If needed, this value should be set to the minimum version the application requires (example: 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0). If a specific service pack of a given version is required, it can be added after the version number (example: 2.0SP2, 3.0SP1). If using 4.0, it is assumed the app only needs Client Profile. If it needs the full framework, that can be specified as 4.0F. There is also a special value of 2-4 for apps that can run on .NET 2.0 and 4.0/4.5 which will work on Windows Vista through Windows 10 out of the box. If .NET is not needed, this value should be omitted.

Please note that currently only accepts apps that run on .NET 2 and 4 at present as they will work on all Windows Vista and later PCs. Additional .NET versions will be added in the future.

Within the [Control] section:

Please do not include double quotes within these fields

Icons is the number of icons that the app has in the Menu

Start is the command line to execute to start the app relative to the AppNamePortable directory. This will typically be AppNamePortable.exe.

ExtractIcon (optional) is used if the app's appropriate appicon.ico within the AppInfo directory. This should only be used when legally required for launchers in specific apps as it cause the application to be accessed more slowly. When not needed it should be left out of appinfo.ini. This option is only available for apps with a single icon.

ExtractName (optional) is used if the app's appropriate name is not the name of the portable launcher indicated in the appinfo.ini. This should only be used when legally required for launchers in specific apps as it cause the application to be accessed more slowly. When not needed it should be left out of appinfo.ini. This option is only available for apps with a single icon.

BaseAppID (optional) is the app ID used by Windows for taskbar pinning. Adding this will allow platform versions 16 and later to create a pinnable shortcut for local use.

BaseAppID64 (optional) is the app ID used by Windows for taskbar pinning when the app is running on a 64-bit system. Adding this will allow platform versions 16 and later to create a pinnable shortcut for local use.

Sometimes, an application will have multiple icons, as is the case with Portable. In this case, the last section of the appinfo.ini file will look like:

Icons is still the number of icons to be shown in the Menu

Start is the command line to execute for the main application

Start1 is the command line for the first icon (often the same as Start)

Name1 is the name to show in the menu for the first icon

Start2 is the command line for the second icon

Name2 is the name to show in the menu for the second icon

Like the main icon, ExtractIcon1, ExtractIcon2, etc can be used where legally required. These should not normally be used or included.

Within the optional [Associations] section:

This section allows a portable app to advertise to the platform what types of files (documents, audio files, etc) or protocols (http, torrent, etc) it is capable of opening. For applications that do not need to associate themselves with any files or protocols, this section should be omitted.

FileTypes (optional) is a comma-delimited list of file type extensions that the app is capable of opening. Examples include txt, html, doc, etc.

FileTypeCommandLine (optional) is a command line parameter which should be passed to the AppNamePortable.exe launcher in order for the app to properly open a file. The %1 indicates the point at which the file will be passed. For most apps capable of opening a file just by passing it to the launcher, FileTypeCommandLine is unnecessary and should be omitted.

FileTypeCommandLine-extension (optional) is a command line parameter which should be passed to the AppNamePortable.exe launcher in order for the app to properly open a specific file type with extension being the given file type (Example: FileTypeCommandLine-html= or FileTypeCommandLine-doc=). The %1 indicates the point at which the file will be passed. The FileTypeCommandLine-extension is only necessary when a given app has a different command line for different file types and will override the standard FileTypeCommandLine for the extension indicated. For most apps, this is unnecessary and should be omitted.

Protocols (optional) is a comma-delimited list of protocols that the app is capable of handling. Examples include http, mailto, torrent, etc.

Stripes 1 7 – Minimalist Rss Reader Chrome Extension

ProtocolCommandLine (optional) is a command line parameter which should be passed to the AppNamePortable.exe launcher in order for the app to properly open a protocol. The %1 indicates the point at which the file, URL or string will be passed.

ProtocolCommandLine-protocol (optional) is a command line parameter which should be passed to the AppNamePortable.exe launcher in order for the app to properly open a specific protocol with 'protocol' being the given protocol to open (Example: ProtocolCommandLine-http= or ProtocolCommandLine-torrent=). The %1 indicates the point at which the file, URL or string will be passed. The ProtocolCommandLine-protocol is only necessary when a given app has a different command line for different protocols and will override the standard ProtocolCommandLine for the protocol indicated. For most apps, this is unnecessary and should be omitted.

SendTo (optional), when set to true, indicates whether a given app should be shown in the Windows Send To submenu. This is only appropriate for a small subset of apps (antivirus, for instance) and should generally be omitted.

SendToCommandLine (optional) is a command line parameter which should be passed to the AppNamePortable.exe launcher in order for the app to properly process whatever is sent in a SendTo command. The %1 indicates the point at which the file(s)/path(s) will be passed.

Shell (optional), when set to true, indicates whether a given app should be available as a Windows shell. This is only appropriate for very specific and should generally be omitted.

ShellCommandLine (optional) is a command line parameter which should be passed to the AppNamePortable.exe launcher in order for the app to properly process the %I and %L variables sent to the shell by Windows.

Within the optional [FileTypeIcons] section:

This section allows a portable app to define custom icons for any of the file types the app can handle listed in the [Associations] section described previously. This section is only needed for file types that are not built into the Platform. The built-in file types and categories are as follows:

  • archive: 7z, bzip2, cab, gz, gzip, rar, tar, zip, wim, xz, z
  • audio: aac, aif, iff, flac, m3u, m3u8, m4a, mid, midi, mp3, mpa, ogg, pls, ra, wav, wv
  • calendar: ical, icalendar, ics, ifb, vcs
  • chart: (no defaults)
  • code: ada, ads, adb, asm, asp, aspx, au3, bas, c, cmake, h, hpp, hxx, cpp, cc, cs, css, d, diff, patch, es, iss, java, js, jsp, lua, m, mak, nsi, nsh, pas, inc, pl, pm, plx, php, php3, phtml, pro, ps1, py, pyw, r, rb, rbw, rc, sql, vb, vbs, xml, xsml, xsl, xsd, wsdl
  • contact: vcard, vcf
  • database: db, odb, sqlite
  • diskimage: cue, img, iso
  • drawing: ai, eps, odg, otp, sda, sdd, sgv, std, svg, svgz, sxd
  • document: abw, djvu, doc, docm, docx, dotx, dotm, fodt, odt, ott, pdf, rtf, stw, sxw, uot, ps
  • ebook: azw, cbr, cbz, epub, lrf, lrx, lit, mobi
  • font: fnt, otf, ttf
  • image: ani, bmp, cur, ico, jpg, jpeg, gif, ora, pcx, png, psd, tif, tiff, xcf
  • java: jar
  • presentation: odp, otp, sxi, sti, sxd, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, pot, sdd, sdp
  • spreadsheet: gnumeric, ods, ots, sxc, stc, xls, xlc, xlm, xlw, xlk, sdc, csv, xlsx, xlsm
  • text: cfg, inf, ini, log, nfo, txt, text
  • torrent: torrent
  • video: 3gp, asf, avi, flv, mp4, m4v, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mkv, mov, ogm, qt, rm, rmvb, webm, wmv
  • webpage: html, htm, mht, mhtml, shtml, xhtml, xhtm, xht

For file types not on that list, the [FileTypeIcons] should contain one entry for each filetype that needs a custom icon associated. Each entry can be set to a category above (archive, audio, calendar, etc), 'app' meaning the portable app's main icon should be used, or 'custom' meaning that the associated icons will be included in the AppAppInfoFileTypeIcons directory as described in the Icons section below. Any associated file types included in the [Associations] section but not defined by the platform or listed here will default to the 'app' icon.

An example section of [FileTypeIcons] might look like this:

In this example, the file type swf will have the platform's built in video icon used for its files, the file type sqe will have the app's main appicon.ico icon used for its files, and the file type ttp will have a custom icon included in AppAppInfoFileTypeIcons. The final entry, AllOtherIcons, is used as a catch all for any icons associated with the app but not defined by the platform or in the FileTypeIcons section. It is useful for apps like image viewers that support hundreds of uncommon image formats without needing to write out an entry for each format or have to use the app's main icon. Information on the custom icons is at the end of the Icons section.

3. Icons

Within the AppNamePortableAppAppInfo directory, the icons used by the Installer and within the Menu are located. The icons are included in ICO and PNG format. The main icon is called appicon.ico, appicon_16.png, appicon_32.png, appicon_75.png* and appicon_128.png*. If the application also uses multiple icons (as detailed above), these additional icons are named as appicon1.ico (appicon1_16.png and appicon1_32.png), appicon2.ico, etc. The numbers correspond to Start1, Start2, etc within the Control section.

* Note that the 75px and 128px variant are optional and not required by the installer to compile. However, publishers are encouraged to include these high-resolution icon for upcoming features in the platform and for better graphics in the installer on Windows 10.

The PNG icons are 16x16, 32x32, 75x75 and 128x128 respectively and are in True Color format with alpha transparency.

The ICO file is in Windows ICO format and contain the following 6 required formats as well as the optional Vista format if desired:

  • 16px - 256 color (8-bit)
  • 32px - 256 color (8-bit)
  • 48px - 256 color (8-bit)
  • 16px - True Color + Alpha (32-bit / XP format)
  • 32px - True Color + Alpha (32-bit / XP format)
  • 48px - True Color + Alpha (32-bit / XP format)
  • 256px - True Color + Alpha PNG (32-bit PNG / Vista format) *OPTIONAL/RECOMMENDED

* The 256px alpha size is optional but recommended. It is used by Windows Vista/7/8 to display large and extra large icon sizes. Some publishers may wish to include it for completeness but end users won't normally see it.

ExtractIcon Note - In packages that make use of the ExtractIcon feature within appinfo.ini, the appicon.ico and PNG versions of the icon will not be used and may be omitted. A generic appicon.ico will be included for backwards compatibility.

In addition to the app icon, additional file type icons will be stored within the AppNamePortableAppAppInfoFileTypeIcons directory. These are custom icons for use with only this app as defined in the previously-mentioned [FileTypeIcons] section of appinfo.ini. For each entry in the [FileTypeIcons] section, an associated ICO and PNG files should be included in the FileTypeIcons directory. These icons follow a similar format and naming as the main app icons. If a 'swf' were set to 'custom' in [FileTypeIcons], for example, then the files swf.ico, swf_16.png, swf_32.png and swf_128.png would be placed within the AppNamePortableAppAppInfoFileTypeIcons directory. For the special AllOtherIcons entry, files of AllOtherIcons.ico, AllOtherIcons_16.png, AllOtherIcons_32.png, AllOtherIcons_128.png would be used.

4. AppCompactor and appcompactor.ini (No Longer Recommended)

Please note that we have partially deprecated the AppCompactor for use with official releases. While still permitted on publisher's own apps, we recommend against using it for your own apps due to increases in false positives with antivirus engines.

The AppCompactor is used to shrink software to better fit on smaller removable devices and run quicker over bandwidth-limited removable media. Normally, the AppCompactor is entirely automatic in settings and just needs to be run on the AppNamePortable directory of the portable app. Occasionally, some software is incompatible with the AppCompactor and its automated routines cannot detect the incompatibility. Additionally, sometimes additional files of a specific app should be compressed and the AppCompactor doesn't normally handle them. In these cases, the AppCompactor.ini may be used.

The AppCompactor.ini resides in the AppInfo directory alongside the AppInfo.ini and Installer.ini. An example of the file follows:

Within the [PortableApps.comAppCompactor] section:

Note: If you do not plan on using the AppCompactor to shrink your app or do not need to make changes to its standard compression setup, this section should be omitted.

FilesExcluded are any files you would like excluded from an AppCompactor run separated by pipes |.

Note that the files listed in the example are excluded by default (Visual C++ runtime 9.0) as well as the 7.1, 8.0, and 10.0 versions of the same files.

AdditionalExtensionsExcluded is any additional types of files (extensions) that you would like to exclude from the compaction separated by pipes |.

AdditionalExtensionsIncluded is any additional types of files (extensions) that you would like to include in the compaction separated by pipes |.

CompressionFileSizeCutOff is the cutoff point at which to ignore files for compression in bytes. The default is 4096, meaning files 4K in size and smaller are ignored.

5. Installer, installer.ini, and installer logging

All apps in Format must use the most recent Installer available at The installer gets its configuration from the appinfo.ini file above as well as the optional installer.ini file which also resides in the AppInfo directory. The installer.ini file allows for more fine-grained control over the installation process as well as additional options like optional sections. The installer.ini consists of:

Please note that this example is only included to illustrate the possible options. It should not be included as-is in a project. For projects, an installer.ini should be created from scratch using only the features needed.

The entire installer.ini is optional. If it is omitted, the App and Other directories will be replaced and the installer will either be a single language (as specified in appinfo.ini) or multilingual and include all supported languages. The source for the installer will not be included.

Within the optional [CheckRunning] section:

CloseEXE (optional) allows you to assign a custom EXE to check for when upgrading. If the EXE is the same as that specified in the Control - Start option in appinfo.ini, this entry should be omitted from the installer.ini. If you don't want to check if anything is running you can set CloseEXE=NONE (use uppercase) but this should be done with caution as a user could try to upgrade your app while it's running.

CloseName (optional) allows you to assign a different name to what will be closed when upgrading. If the name is the same as the name of the portable app as specified in appinfo.ini then this entry should be omitted from the installer.ini.

Within the optional [Source] section:

IncludeInstallerSource (optional) allows you to include the source to the Installer to be installed with your portable app by setting it to true.

Within the optional [MainDirectories] section:

RemoveAppDirectory, RemoveDataDirectory and RemoveOtherDirectory (optional) allow you to specify whether these directories will be removed or preserved when upgrading by installing a new version of your app over an existing one. By default, the App and Other directories are removed and the Data directory is preserved. If you wish to use these defaults, this section of installer.ini should be omitted. (Note that you can preserve specific directories and files below)

Within the optional [OptionalComponents] section:

OptionalComponents - when set to true, this enables the installer to have an optional section. This is typically used to install additional languages within an app.

MainSectionTitle (optional) specifies the name that will appear for the first section of the installer. By default it will read 'AppName Portable (English) [Required]' with AppName Portable being read from the appinfo.ini. This entry should be omitted if you are happy with the default.

MainSectionDescription (optional) specifies the description that will appear for the first section of the installer. By default it will read 'Install the portable app'. This entry should be omitted if you are happy with the default.

OptionalSectionTitle (optional) specifies the name that will appear for the second/optional section of the installer. By default it will read 'Additional Languages'. This entry should be omitted if you are happy with the default.

OptionalSectionDescription (optional) specifies the description that will appear for the second/optional section of the installer. By default it will read 'Add multilingual support for this app'. This entry should be omitted if you are happy with the default.

OptionalSectionSelectedInstallType (optional) specifies the InstallType that will be written to appinfo.ini and displayed in the Platform if the user installs the app with the optional section. By default it will read 'Multilingual'. This entry should be omitted if you are happy with the default.

OptionalSectionNotSelectedInstallType (optional) specifies the InstallType that will be written to appinfo.ini and displayed in the Platform if the user installs the app without the optional section. By default it will read 'English'. This entry should be omitted if you are happy with the default.

OptionalSectionPreSelectedIfNonEnglishInstall (optional) specifies whether the optional section is selected by default if the user selected to run the installer in a language other than English. The default is true. This entry should be omitted if you are happy with the default.

OptionalSectionInstalledWhenSilent Brainwave studio 1 5 download free. (optional) specifies whether or not the optional section is installed when the installer is running in silent mode when launched from the platform's app installer. This entry defaults to true when the optional components are not additional languages.

OptionalDirectory1 allows you to specify which directories are a part of the optional section of the installer. OptionalDirectory1 and higher are available for use. The path should be relative. So if you want the directory AppAppNamelocales part of the optional section of the installer, you'd set OptionalDirectory1=AppAppNamelocales in this section.

OptionalFile1 allows you to specify which specific files are a part of the optional section of the installer. OptionalFile1 and higher are available for use. The path should be relative. So if you want the files AppAppName*.lang part of the optional section of the installer, you'd set OptionalFile1=AppAppName*.lang in this section.

Optional Section Note: You must use either OptionalDirectory1 or OptionalFile1 to specify files for inclusion in the optional section of the installer if you have one.

Within the optional [CopyLocalFiles] section:

This section is used to copy files in from a local installation of an application.

CopyLocalFiles is used to indicate that this section is enabled. It should be set to true.

CopyFromRegPath is used when the path to the local files is indicated within a key in the registry. Generally, this will be in the form of HKLMSoftwareAppName.

CopyFromRegKey is used in conjunction with CopyFromRegPath. It indicates the Key within the registry path above that should be used.

CopyFromRegRemoveDirectories is used to indicate the number of directories to strip from the Key read in to arrive at the directory that should be copied. If the Key indicates a path to a file rather than a directory, it should be increased by one. For example, if the Key generally points to C:Program FilesAppNamebinAppName.exe and you wish to copy all the files in C:Program FilesAppName, it would be set to 2: one to remove the file name AppName.exe and one to remove the 'bin' directory from the path.

CopyFromDirectory is used to indicate the local directory to copy into the portable app. If used in conjunction with the registry entries above, it will be used as a fallback if the registry entry is missing or doesn't point to a valid path. This entry is normally in the form %PROGRAMFILES%AppName. Several environment variables are available including: %PROGRAMFILES%, %COMMONFILES%, %DESKTOP%, %WINDIR%, %SYSDIR%, %APPDATA%, %LOCALAPPDATA% and %TEMP%.

CopyToDirectory indicates the relative path within the portable app that the files will be copied to. This is usually in the form AppAppName. If the directory does not exist, it will be created.

Within the optional [DownloadFiles] section:

This section is used to download and optionally extract files from the internet.

AdditionalInstallSize is used to specify the size of the files that will be added to the files contained within the installer. The entry should be a number only and be in KB

DownloadURL specifies the URL to the file that will be downloaded. It is normally in the form

DownloadKnockURL specifies a URL that must be downloaded before the file specified by DownloadURL is downloaded.

DownloadName is the name that will be displayed while the file is downloaded. This must be a valid DOS name and should not include special characters like :, ', , etc.

DownloadFilename is the name of the file that will be used while it is worked with locally. This should normally be the same as the filename from the DownloadURL. It is normally in the form filename.exe or

DownloadMD5 is used to specify the MD5 hash of the file downloaded. This allows the installer to verify that the file has not changed since the installer was created. Use of this entry is *highly* recommended.

DownloadTo is optionally used if the downloaded file should just be copied into the portable app as-is. The entry is normally in the form AppAppName. This entry is not to be used with the extraction entries that follow.

DownloadCachedByPAc is used to indicate to the Platform when a live download is cached by The installer itself won't use the cache but will when installed or updated via the Platform's App Store.

AdvancedExtract1To and AdvancedExtract1Filter are used for more advanced extraction from ZIP files as well as many installer EXEs. The AdvancedExtract#To entries should specify the relative path to where the files will go within the installed portable app (typically AppAppName). The AdvancedExtract#Filter entries are used to specify a filter for the files to be extracted and are in the same format used by 7-zip. Some examples include *.txt for all text files, * for all files, *a* for files that contain the letter a, Src*.cpp for all cpp files within the src directory, etc. ** can be used to indicate all files in the archive recursively (including sub-directories). Up to 10 entries can be made. AdvancedExtract#To supports the use of to indicate the app's root directory.

Note that the deprecated Extract1To, etc configuration is automatically converted to AdvancedExtract1To, etc configuration as you compile an older PA.c Format app to the newer format

DoubleExtractFilename is used when a downloaded file contains an archive within an archive. The DoubleExtractFilename should be set to the name of the archive inside the archive. For example, if you are downloading a file called setup.exe which contains a file that has the files needed within it, DoubleExtractFilename would be set to The DoubleExtract#To and DoubleExtract#Filter are performed on the extracted archive and are in the same format as AdvancedExtract1To and AdvancedExtract1Filter above. Up to 10 entries may be used. DoubleExtract#To supports the use of to indicate the app's root directory.

Download2URL, Download2KnockURL, Download2Name, Download2Filename, Download2MD5, Download2To, Download2CachedByPAc serve the same purpose for a second downloadable file as their counterparts without the 2.

Download2AdvancedExtract1To, Download2AdvancedExtract1Filter, Download2DoubleExtractFilename, Download2DoubleExtract1To, Download2DoubleExtract1Filter serve the same purpose for a second downloadable file as their counterparts above without the Download2 prefix.

CustomCodeUses7zip can be set to true if you need to handle calling 7z.exe from the command line within your custom code. Note that 7z will automatically be included if AdvancedExtract1To, DoubleExtract1To, Download2AdvancedExtract1To, or Download2DoubleExtract1To are set.

Within the optional [Languages] section:

Each entry is used to specify whether that language is available as a user is installing the portable app and appinfo.ini is set to Multilingual. If this section is omitted, all languages are included. If this section is included, ENGLISH= is required. All other languages are optional and default to false.

Within the optional [DirectoriesToPreserve] section:

This section specifies directories that will be preserved even if a given directory (App, Data, Other) is set to be removed on an upgrade. Up to 10 entries in the form of PreserveDirectory1, PreserveDirectory2, etc are available. Each should be in the relative paths within the app. If you wish to preserve the directory AppAppNameplugins, it would be entered as PreserveDirectory1=AppAppNameplugins within this section. If no directories need preserving, this section should be omitted.

Within the optional [DirectoriesToRemove] section:

This section specifies directories that will be removed even if a given directory (App, Data, Other) is set not to be removed on an upgrade. Up to 10 entries in the form of RemoveDirectory1, RemoveDirectory2, etc are available. Each should be in the relative paths within the app. If you wish to remove the directory AppAppNamelocales, it would be entered as RemoveDirectory1=AppAppNamelocales within this section. If no directories need removing, this section should be omitted.

Within the optional [FilesToPreserve] section:

This section specifies files that will be preserved even if a given directory (App, Data, Other) is set to be removed on an upgrade. Up to 10 entries in the form of PreserveFile1, PreserveFile2, etc are available. Each should be in the relative paths within the app. If you wish to preserve the files AppAppName*.hlp, it would be entered as PreserveFile1=AppAppName*.hlp within this section. If no files need preserving, this section should be omitted.

Within the optional [FilesToRemove] section:

This section specifies files that will be removed even if a given directory (App, Data, Other) is set not to be removed on an upgrade. Up to 10 entries in the form of RemoveFile1, RemoveFile2, etc are available. Each should be in the relative paths within the app. If you wish to remove the files AppAppName*.lang, it would be entered as RemoveFile1=AppAppName*.lang within this section. If no files need removing, this section should be omitted.

An End User License Agreement (EULA) or other licensing file can be displayed in the Installer by including an EULA.txt file in the AppAppInfo directory. The Installer will automatically locate it and configure it for use. Please ensure that the license is in Unicode format and not ANSI.

Custom Code may be included with your installer by including a file called PortableApps.comInstallerCustom.nsh within the OtherSource directory. This file is coded in NSIS and can include 3 macros: CustomCodePreInstall (which is run before installation), CustomCodePostInstall (which is run after installation) and CustomCodeOptionalCleanup (which is run at the beginning of installation if the optional section of an installer is not selected, intended for use in app upgrades when the existing app may have had the optional section included). In addition to the standard NSIS functions, the following NSIS features are available: ConfigRead, ConfigReadS, ConfigWrite, ConfigWriteS, GetParent, GetRoot, VersionCompare and the LogicLib features of NSIS. Please ensure that the file is Unicode encoded (not ANSI/DOS).

The Installer code itself should not be altered directly within the confines of it being a Installer. As always, the source code is available under the GPL and may be freely modified and used in other GPL-licensed works.

Every release of an app in Format must use the current Installer. If a larger application is being compiled that has a longer development and testing time, and a new version of the Installer is released during testing of a release the version of the installer the app is currently using may be kept provided that the new Installer version is less than 30 days old on the day the application using the older version is released.

The Installer will keep logging information on installer generation and actual app installs within a file called pac_installer_log.ini stored within the AppInfo directory. This file should be excluded from git repositories via the appropriate gitignore configuration. Details within the log file include whether or not the installer was run, when the installer package was created, when the app was actually installed, the version of the installer wizard used to generate the installer, the version of the installer run when it was installed, and other logging information which may be added in the future. This file should not be altered or removed other than by the official Installer. Portable apps may utilize this file to track install times and proper install methods.

6. Host PC Modifications & Portability

During use, a portable app is permitted to modify registry entries and files on the local drive, however the registry and local files must be returned to their pre-run state on exit. This may involve backing up and then restoring the settings for a local copy (in either the registry or APPDATA) of an application on start and exit. The portable app must continue to work (settings and preferences maintained, language selection maintained) as the drive letter changes as the device is moved between computers. The applications Most Recently Used (MRU) file list should continue working as well.

7. Plugin Installers

In addition to standard installers, the Installer can be used for plugin installers to add files to a portable app. This is accomplished via a file called plugininstaller.ini within the AppAppInfo directory. This file can contain all of the entries within the appinfo.ini and installer.ini files described above combined into a single file. One addition to the file is within the [Details] section where an entry called PluginName= is made. This should be the name of the plugin, for example: Adobe Flash for Firefox Portable. The [MainDirectories] removal options all default to false for plugin installers. If an EULA is needed for the plugin, instead of EULA.txt, the files PluginEULA.txt should be used.

To create a plugin installer, create a directory layout similar to the portable app that the plugin is used with including the App, AppAppName, Data, Other, etc directories. Then place only the files to be included in the plugin installer in their appropriate location. The AppAppInfo directory should be empty other than the plugininstaller.ini as it is used only by the main app. Any custom code should be in a file called PortableApps.comInstallerPluginCustom.nsh within OtherSource. Finally, create a file plugininstaller.ini with the entries that would normally be in appinfo.ini and installer.ini above and compile as normal.

Additionally, a CommonFiles installer, which will install to X:PortableAppsCommonFiles is possible by adding an entry PluginType=CommonFiles to the details section. This is for use with specific plugins that are used by multiple apps (Java, for example) as designated by In this case, The [MainDirectories] removal option for App is set to true by default and will remove the entire X:PortableAppsCommonFilesAppID directory (which is usually desired for CommonFiles plugins.

8. Permissions

Applications packaged in Format using our tools must be done in accordance with local and international law. Freeware may be packaged using the Installer but only if the installer is unmodified and in its original form as distributed by Freeware may only be packaged by the original publisher or with the express consent of the publisher. Commercial software may be packaged by contacting

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9. Format Version History and Discussion

2019-01-07 3.5: Added BaseAppID64

2018-10-12 3.5: Added BaseAppID

2018-08-28 3.5: Added Hindi language support

2018-05-07 3.5: Added special 2-4 entry for .NET 2 and 4 support

2017-09-10 3.5: Added CustomCodeUses7zip

2017-06-01 3.5: Added installer logging and DownloadCachedByPAc

2017-04-02 3.4: Added ExtractName and BaseAppName to appinfo.ini

2017-03-12 3.4: Added permissions section

2016-08-19 3.4: Added second downloadable file and associated Download2 entries in installer.ini

2016-06-26 3.3: Added notes on not using double-quotes in various sections

2016-05-13 3.2: Extract automatically switched to AdvancedExtract, AppCompactor deprecated

2016-01-02: 3.0: Added appicon_75.png for new installer features on Windows 10

2014-10-10: 3.0: Removed RemoveDataDirectory ability from installer.ini

2014-06-23: 3.0: Added Added md filetype

2014-05-07: 3.0: Added Added ora filetype

2014-02-08: 3.0: Added DownloadKnockURL and Donate

2013-12-06: 3.0: Added gnumeric to filetypes

2013-07-26: 3.0: Added UsesGhostscript to Dependencies section

2012-05-11: 3.0: Added es, pro, m3u8, and rc filetypes

2012-05-03: 3.0: Added pps/ppsx to presentations

2012-04-18: 3.0: Added Shell and ShellCommandLine to the Associations section

2012-04-17: 3.0: Added SendToCommandLine to the Associations section

2012-04-16: 3.0: Added AHK file type

2012-04-09: 3.0: Added SendTo to the Associations section

2012-04-09: 3.0: Added assocations of files/protocols and custom file type icons, moved EULA to AppInfo

2012-02-12: 2.0: Added default file exclusion info to appcompactor.ini

2011-11-13: 2.0: Added new yes/optional/no Java entries and updated .NET handling with SPs

2011-05-31: 2.0: Fixed some missing and misspelled languages in the example appinfo.ini and installer.ini

2011-04-12: 2.0: Added CompressionFileSizeCutOff to AppComactor.ini

2010-08-01: 2.0: Added AppComactor.ini

2010-06-14: 2.0: Added Armenian to supported languages and updated ExtractTo to be clear it has been deprecated.

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2010-06-03: 2.0: Added OptionalSectionInstalledWhenSilent, 128px PNG icons, 11 languages, full Unicode support, Operating System category removed, Security category added.

2010-02-26: a few minor spelling and grammar fixes.

2009-11-19: 1.0: Added Dependencies, general cleanup.

2009-06-21: 0.91: Added CommonFiles installers, ability to extract full directory structures recursively.

2009-06-21: 0.91: Added Esperanto.

2009-06-11: 0.91: Added plugin installer details.

2009-05-28: 0.91: Added CopyLocalFiles and DownloadFiles to installer.ini. Added PNG icons.

2009-05-15: 0.90: Updated to new automated Installer. New appinfo.ini and installer.ini configs.

2009-02-12: DRAFT 4: Added Education category and clarified installer modification notes.

2008-08-05: DRAFT 3: Added Vista 256px icon (optional) and updated Installer notes.

2008-05-01: DRAFT 2: Added DefaultData description as we use it in many apps and the installer will be supporting it as well (handy for language setups) and the fact that the Data directory must be recreated by the app if missing, which is new but done by all released apps but one.

To be productive at work without struggling unnecessarily, you need to have a reliable way of organizing everything that's part of 'your world', including tasks, deadlines, meetings, external dependencies, etc. This post outlines a minimalist approach to designing a productivity system that helps you do your best work.


Getting Things Done, or GTD as it's often referred to, is a popular time-management system developed by David Allen. GTD is a framework for organising your todos, priorities, and your schedule in a way that makes them all manageable. While the system has its merits, it often tries to do too much and requires a considerable amount of time just to maintain the system. Furthermore, GTD is a bottom-up, runway-level system and doesn't put enough emphasis on your goals.

In this post, I have tried to simplify GTD and break it down into a few essential habits that you can adopt step by step. This was inspired by Leo Babauta's Zen to Done. People who want to implement the most simple system possible should focus on the first four habits listed below.

Habit 1: Collect

  • Externalize your thoughts; write them down.
  • Carry a small notebook (or whatever capture tool works for you) and write down any tasks, ideas, projects, or other information that pop into your head.
    • Pen and paper
    • Emergent Task Planner
    • OneNote
    • Bear (only Mac/iPhone)
    • Do-Button (IFTTT)
    • Evernote
    • Things (only Mac/iPhone)
    • Workflowy
    • Send an email to yourself
    • Siri, Google Assistant
  • Have a way to capture ideas that's always available, in every context. Your best ideas about work will often not come to you at work.
  • Every place where you collect information is an inbox. Cut the number of inboxes you have down to the smallest number possible.
  • Only drop notes in inboxes that you actually trust yourself to check in time

Habit 2: Process

  • Check and process your inboxes frequently—for instance, once a day. Don't allow your inboxes to overflow. If necessary, set reminders such as calendar events at times when you want to process your inboxes.
  • Start with the top item in your inbox, and make an immediate decision. Don't skip over it or put it back in or delay the decision. Note that the items below contain references to a later section; Habit 5: Simple System.
    • Delete: Throw away, shred, or recycle anything that has no potential future action or reference value. Make this your first choice.
    • Delegate: Are you the person who should be doing this? If not, send it to someone else and create a note on your 'Waiting For' list. Record the date on everything that you hand off to others.
    • Do it immediately: If the task will take 2 minutes or less, just do it rather than adding it to your to-do list—the efficiency cutoff is at about 2 minutes.
    • Defer it for later: If it will take more than 2 minutes, add it to your to-do list to do later.
      • If you need to do it at a certain date or time, put it on your calendar to get a reminder.
      • If you don't need to do it anytime soon, put it on a 'Someday' list, so it doesn't clutter up your more important to-do lists.
    • File it: If it's just something you need for reference, file it in your reference system.

Habit 3: Plan

  • Separate planning from doing.
  • Each month, conduct an in-depth review. Evaluate progress on your goals and set new goals. Reflect on several levels (for instance, current actions, current projects, areas of responsibility, 1–2-year goals).
  • Each week (ideally, Monday morning), sit down and look at your to-do list. What 4-6 things do you want to accomplish this week? These are your 'Big Rocks'. Place them in your weekly schedule. Place only one or two per day, so you aren't overwhelmed. Place them in 1-2 hour blocks, early in the day if possible.
  • Each day, create a list of 1-3 'Most Important Tasks' (MITs – basically your Big Rocks for the day) and be sure to accomplish them. Block out time for them early in the day to get them out of the way and to ensure that they get done.

Habit 4: Do

  • Choose a Big Rock: First, select a task (preferably one of your MITs) and decide that you are going to work on it either until it's done, or for a set amount of time (say 30 minutes).
  • Get zoned: Before you get started, eliminate all distractions. Shut off email, cell phone, Internet if possible (otherwise just close all unnecessary tabs), remove clutter on your desk, anything that might interrupt you. Focus on one task at a time.
  • Timed burst: Set a timer if you like, or otherwise just focus on your task for as long as possible. Don't let yourself get distracted from it.
  • Interruptions: If you get interrupted, write down any request or incoming tasks/info on your notepad, or toss the document into your inbox, and get back to your task. Don't try to multi-task. If you feel the urge to check your email or switch to another task, stop yourself. Re-focus yourself and get back to the task at hand.
  • Urgency: There are times when an interruption is so urgent that you cannot put it off until you're done with the task at hand. In that case, try to make a note of where you are with the task at hand, and put all the documents or notes for that task together and aside. Then, when you come back to that task, you can pull out your folder and look at your notes to see where you left off.
  • Relax: Take deep breaths, stretch, and take breaks now and then.

Habit 5: Simple System

  • Keep simple lists and check them daily. Use a simple setup and simple tools so that your system does not need to be maintained much. Below is a sample setup that may differ substantially from your system.
  • Inboxes: Every place where you collect information is an inbox.
    • Email inbox (try to have just one)
    • Slack
    • Task management app inbox (Asana/Trello/Things/etc. — check out this article for an overview of the best apps out there)
      • Integrate with Chrome: Use the Trello extension to create new cards and send them to your inbox.
      • Integrate with Gmail: Use Zapier (this template) to create Trello cards from new starred Gmail emails.
      • Integrate with Slack: Use Zapier (this template) to create Trello cards from new starred Slack messages.
    • Evernote app (phone and desktop)
    • Paper notebook (for instance, the Emergent Task Planner)
    • Physical in-tray
  • Calendar: The calendar provides the 'hard landscape' for the day. Record all your events in one place. Example tool: Google Calendar. Things that go into your calendar:
    • Time-specific actions: Appointments
    • Day-specific actions: Things that you need to do sometime on a certain day, but not necessarily at a specific time.
    • Day-specific information: Things you want to know about on specific days – not necessarily actions you'll have to take but rather information that may be useful on a certain date.
  • Lists: Below is just a sample of lists that you may find helpful. Previous sections in this post referred to a 'to-do' list, which you can read as all of the lists that you use.
    • 'Projects' list: A list of project titles, descriptions and intended outcomes of the projects. A project is any objective that takes more than one action. Example tools: Google Document, Trello board, Asana.
    • 'Next Actions' list: A list of tasks that should be done as soon as possible, and that you can choose to do at any moment. Example tool: Google Document.
    • 'Someday' list: This list contains ideas and projects you might want to realize at some time in the future. Limit the number of items on that list to below 20, or it will cease to be useful. Example tool: Google Document, Trello board.
    • 'Waiting For' list: Take a note when you delegate work to others, send an email you expect (or need) a reply to, order something, or have a task that is 'blocked' because you are waiting for someone else to do something. These items should always be marked with the current date so you can refer to it later. Example tool: Google Document.
      • 'Streak' or 'Boomerang' are Gmail extensions that can notify you if you haven't received a response to your email within a pre-set amount of time
    • 'Issue Log': Record your mistakes and learn from them. Anything that goes wrong must be 'issue logged' with the severity of the issue, who is responsible for it, and how to fix it. Here's a template that you can use.
    • 'Read/Review' list: A list of things that you want to read. The idea is to have this material available whenever you have a few minutes to kill. Example tool: Save to Pocket.
  • Reference system: Reference material that requires no action but may have value as information. Example tools: Google Drive and Documents.
    • General-reference file: Use a Google Document (or any software that you're using) that is close at hand for storing ad hoc information that doesn't belong in some predesigned larger category.
    • Password manager. Example tool: 1Password.

Habit 6: Organize

  • Find a 'home' (physical and digital) for everything, then put everything in its home. Every physical item in your house should have a place where it is supposed to rest. Every task, event and project should have a place in your system where it will wait.
    • The 30 seconds test: Can you find anything you need in 30 seconds?
  • Put it away immediately.
  • Keep flat surfaces clear.
  • Digitize everything, make backups.

Habit 7: Review

  • A Weekly Review helps you get things together and refocus yourself on what's important. Do the review at a set time on the same day every week. For instance, do it every Monday at 9 am.
  • Review your notes: Find unfinished tasks, phone numbers to enter into your contacts, etc. Just do a quick scan and jot down any unfinished items.
  • Review your calendar: Look back over your last week's calendar items to see if there's anything that needs to be moved forward, and to see if there's anything that triggers new tasks that need to be done. Also look over your upcoming week's calendar to see if there's any tasks that need to be done.
  • Review your lists: Whether you have multiple context lists or one to-do list, it's important to look over them, to make sure they're up-to-date. Cross off completed items. Also review your follow-up list, your Someday list, and your project list, if you keep them.
  • Review your goals: Evaluate progress on your goals and set new ones. Set your short-term goal this week and plan your Big Rocks.
  • Brainstorm on new tasks and goals: Write everything down on a white sheet of paper. Don't judge or evaluate. Go for quantity, not quality. Put analysis and organization in the background. Determining what might go most wrong in a situation is at times the best way to generate the best ideas about how to make it successful.

Habit 8: Simplify

  • Eliminate: Take a few minutes to review your task and project lists, and see how much you can simplify them.
  • Know what's essential: You know what's essential by knowing what your main goal is, and other goals if necessary. Work on your 1-3 most important projects whenever you're not bottlenecked by external forces. Focus on completion.
  • Biggest value: Focus on the tasks that create the most long-term value. Those are your Big Rocks and MITs.
  • Batch small tasks: Take a look at your lists and find ways to put smaller tasks together. This saves time and cuts down on interruption. Small tasks might be calls, emails, writing a short letter, doing paperwork, etc. Try to do them quickly and knock them off your list.
  • Simplify your commitments: Value your time and learn to say no.
  • Simplify your information system: This includes RSS feeds, news platforms, TV, email, etc.

Habit 9: Set Routines

  • Create daily and weekly routines to give your week more calm and order.
  • Daily routine: Look at your lists and see which tasks need to be done every day. Those might include planning your day and setting your MITs, answering emails, making phone calls, writing in a journal, exercise, and more. Plan out your daily routine. Don't schedule every minute of your day, but have certain set times each day when you do these daily tasks.
    • To plan your day, consider using a tool such as the Emergent Task Planner. See here for instructions on how to use it.
  • Weekly routine: The stuff you do once or twice (or more) a week, but not every day, should be on your weekly routine. This could be things like your weekly review, laundry, reviewing goals (although this could be put in your weekly review), exercise, and more.
  • Trying it out: Try to stick to a new routine for at least a week, then review how it went.
  • Sticking with it: Once you find a good set of routines that work for you, if you can stick with them for 30 days, it will become a habit.

If you'd like to explore these ideas further, here are a few resources that you'll find useful:

  • Getting Things Done – David Allen (summary)
  • Zen to Done – Leo Babauta (summary)
  • Massive GTD Resource List – Zen Habits
  • 7 Rules for Staying Productive Long-Term – Scott Young
  • How I Am Productive – Peter Hurford

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