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Once you have scraped your items, you often want to persist or export thoseitems, to use the data in some other application. That is, after all, the wholepurpose of the scraping process.

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For this purpose Scrapy provides a collection of Item Exporters for differentoutput formats, such as XML, CSV or JSON.

Using Item Exporters¶

Chose the field that you'd like to filter and drag and drop the object into the Query Filters pane. Once you've selected the field to filter the query, you can choose the operand needed and select the values by choosing from a list of values, typing a constant or adding the filter to the prompt box. To add a filter to a report (tab): 1. I have a hexadecimal string (e.g 0CFE9E2FE715A8B3E564BE) and I want to write it to a file as bytes. For example, Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14.

If you are in a hurry, and just want to use an Item Exporter to output scrapeddata see the . Otherwise, if you want to know howItem Exporters work or need more custom functionality (not covered by thedefault exports), continue reading below.

In order to use an Item Exporter, you must instantiate it with its requiredargs. Each Item Exporter requires different arguments, so check each exporterdocumentation to be sure, in . After you haveinstantiated your exporter, you have to:

1. call the method start_exporting() in order tosignal the beginning of the exporting process

2. call the export_item() method for each item you wantto export

3. and finally call the finish_exporting() to signalthe end of the exporting process

Here you can see an Item Pipeline which uses multipleItem Exporters to group scraped items to different files according to thevalue of one of their fields:

Serialization of item fields¶

By default, the field values are passed unmodified to the underlyingserialization library, and the decision of how to serialize them is delegatedto each particular serialization library.

Tuneskit audio capture 2 1 0. However, you can customize how each field value is serialized before it ispassed to the serialization library.

There are two ways to customize how a field will be serialized, which aredescribed next.

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1. Declaring a serializer in the field¶

If you use Item you can declare a serializer in the. The serializer must bea callable which receives a value and returns its serialized form.


2. Overriding the serialize_field() method¶

You can also override the serialize_field() method tocustomize how your field value will be exported.

Make sure you call the base class serialize_field() methodafter your custom code.


Built-in Item Exporters reference¶

Here is a list of the Item Exporters bundled with Scrapy. Some of them containoutput examples, which assume you're exporting these two items:


class scrapy.exporters.BaseItemExporter(fields_to_export=None, export_empty_fields=False, encoding='utf-8', indent=0, dont_fail=False)[source]

This is the (abstract) base class for all Item Exporters. It providessupport for common features used by all (concrete) Item Exporters, such asdefining what fields to export, whether to export empty fields, or whichencoding to use.

These features can be configured through the __init__ method arguments whichpopulate their respective instance attributes: fields_to_export,export_empty_fields, encoding, indent.


Exports the given item. This method must be implemented in subclasses.

serialize_field(field, name, value)[source]

Return the serialized value for the given field. You can override thismethod (in your custom Item Exporters) if you want to control how aparticular field or value will be serialized/exported.

By default, this method looks for a serializer and returns the result of applyingthat serializer to the value. If no serializer is found, it returns thevalue unchanged.

  • field (Field object or a dict instance) – the field being serialized. If the source does not define field metadata, field is an emptydict.

  • Badland: game of the year edition 1 0. name (str) – the name of the field being serialized

  • value – the value being serialized


Signal the beginning of the exporting process. Some exporters may usethis to generate some required header (for example, theXmlItemExporter). You must call this method before exporting anyitems.


Signal the end of the exporting process. Some exporters may use this togenerate some required footer (for example, theXmlItemExporter). You must always call this method after youhave no more items to export.


A list with the name of the fields that will be exported, or None ifyou want to export all fields. Defaults to None.

File List Export 2 4 0 1

Some exporters (like CsvItemExporter) respect the order of thefields defined in this attribute.

When using that do not expose all theirpossible fields, exporters that do not support exporting a differentsubset of fields per item will only export the fields found in the firstitem exported. Use fields_to_export to define all the fields to beexported.


Whether to include empty/unpopulated item fields in the exported data.Defaults to False. Some exporters (like CsvItemExporter)ignore this attribute and always export all empty fields.

This option is ignored for dict items.


The output character encoding.


Amount of spaces used to indent the output on each level. Defaults to 0.

  • indent=None selects the most compact representation,all items in the same line with no indentation

  • indent<=0 each item on its own line, no indentation

  • indent>0 each item on its own line, indented with the provided numeric value


class scrapy.exporters.PythonItemExporter(*, dont_fail=False, **kwargs)[source]

This is a base class for item exporters that extendsBaseItemExporter with support for nested items.

It serializes items to built-in Python types, so that any serializationlibrary (e.g. json or msgpack) can be used on top of it.


class scrapy.exporters.XmlItemExporter(file, item_element='item', root_element='items', **kwargs)[source]

Exports items in XML format to the specified file object.

  • file – the file-like object to use for exporting the data. Its write method shouldaccept bytes (a disk file opened in binary mode, a io.BytesIO object, etc)

  • root_element (str) – The name of root element in the exported XML.

  • item_element (str) – The name of each item element in the exported XML.

The additional keyword arguments of this __init__ method are passed to theBaseItemExporter__init__ method.

A typical output of this exporter would be:

Unless overridden in the serialize_field() method, multi-valued fields areexported by serializing each value inside a element. This is forconvenience, as multi-valued fields are very common.

For example, the item:

Would be serialized as:


class scrapy.exporters.CsvItemExporter(file, include_headers_line=True, join_multivalued=',', errors=None, **kwargs)[source]

Exports items in CSV format to the given file-like object. If thefields_to_export attribute is set, it will be used to define theCSV columns and their order. The export_empty_fields attribute hasno effect on this exporter.

  • file – the file-like object to use for exporting the data. Its write method shouldaccept bytes (a disk file opened in binary mode, a io.BytesIO object, etc)

  • include_headers_line (str) – If enabled, makes the exporter output a headerline with the field names taken fromBaseItemExporter.fields_to_export or the first exported item fields.

  • join_multivalued – The char (or chars) that will be used for joiningmulti-valued fields, if found.

  • errors (str) – The optional string that specifies how encoding and decodingerrors are to be handled. For more information seeio.TextIOWrapper.

The additional keyword arguments of this __init__ method are passed to theBaseItemExporter__init__ method, and the leftover arguments to thecsv.writer() function, so you can use any csv.writer() functionargument to customize this exporter.

A typical output of this exporter would be: Cisdem pdfcompressor 3 0 1 download free.


class scrapy.exporters.PickleItemExporter(file, protocol=0, **kwargs)[source]

Exports items in pickle format to the given file-like object.

  • file – the file-like object to use for exporting the data. Its write method shouldaccept bytes (a disk file opened in binary mode, a io.BytesIO object, etc)

  • protocol (int) – The pickle protocol to use.

For more information, see pickle.

The additional keyword arguments of this __init__ method are passed to theBaseItemExporter__init__ method.

Pickle isn't a human readable format, so no output examples are provided.


class scrapy.exporters.PprintItemExporter(file, **kwargs)[source]

Exports items in pretty print format to the specified file object.


file – the file-like object to use for exporting the data. Its write method shouldaccept bytes (a disk file opened in binary mode, a io.BytesIO object, etc)

The additional keyword arguments of this __init__ method are passed to theBaseItemExporter__init__ method.

A typical output of this exporter would be:

Longer lines (when present) are pretty-formatted.


class scrapy.exporters.JsonItemExporter(file, **kwargs)[source]

Exports items in JSON format to the specified file-like object, writing allobjects as a list of objects. The additional __init__ method arguments arepassed to the BaseItemExporter__init__ method, and the leftoverarguments to the JSONEncoder__init__ method, so you can use anyJSONEncoder__init__ method argument to customize this exporter.


file – the file-like object to use for exporting the data. Its write method shouldaccept bytes (a disk file opened in binary mode, a io.BytesIO object, etc)

A typical output of this exporter would be:


JSON is very simple and flexible serialization format, but itdoesn't scale well for large amounts of data since incremental ( parsing is not well supported (if at all) among JSON parsers(on any language), and most of them just parse the entire object inmemory. If you want the power and simplicity of JSON with a morestream-friendly format, consider using JsonLinesItemExporterinstead, or splitting the output in multiple chunks.


class scrapy.exporters.JsonLinesItemExporter(file, **kwargs)[source]

Exports items in JSON format to the specified file-like object, writing oneJSON-encoded item per line. The additional __init__ method arguments are passedto the BaseItemExporter__init__ method, and the leftover arguments tothe JSONEncoder__init__ method, so you can use anyJSONEncoder__init__ method argument to customize this exporter.


file – the file-like object to use for exporting the data. Its write method shouldaccept bytes (a disk file opened in binary mode, a io.BytesIO object, etc)

A typical output of this exporter would be:

Unlike the one produced by JsonItemExporter, the format produced bythis exporter is well suited for serializing large amounts of data.


class scrapy.exporters.MarshalItemExporter(file, **kwargs)[source]

Exports items in a Python-specific binary format (seemarshal).


file – The file-like object to use for exporting the data. Itswrite method should accept bytes (a disk fileopened in binary mode, a BytesIO object, etc)

OBJ geometry format
Filename extension
Internet media type
Developed byWavefront Technologies
Type of format3D model format

OBJ (or .OBJ) is a geometry definition file format first developed by Wavefront Technologies for its Advanced Visualizer animation package. The file format is open and has been adopted by other 3D graphics application vendors.

The OBJ file format is a simple specify the order of the vertices which build a polyline.

Other geometry formats[edit]

Obj files support higher-order surfaces using several different kinds of interpolation, such as Taylor and B-splines, although support for those features in third party file readers is far from universal. Obj files also do not support mesh hierarchies or any kind of animation or deformation, such as vertex skinning or mesh morphing.

Referencing materials[edit]

Materials that describe the visual aspects of the polygons are stored inexternal .mtl files. More than one external MTL material file may be referenced from within the OBJ file. The .mtl file may contain one or more named material definitions.

This tag specifies the material name for the element following it. The material name matches a named material definition in an external .mtl file.

Named objects and polygon groups are specified via the following tags.

Smooth shading across polygons is enabled by smoothing groups.

Relative and absolute indices[edit]

OBJ files, due to their list structure, are able to reference vertices, normals, etc. either by their absolute position (1 represents the first defined vertex, N representing the Nth defined vertex), or by their relative position (-1 represents the latest defined vertex). However, not all software supports the latter approach, and conversely some software inherently writes only the latter form (due to the convenience of appending elements without needing to recalculate vertex offsets, etc.), leading to occasional incompatibilities.

Material template library[edit]

MTL material format
Filename extension
Developed byWavefront Technologies
Type of format3D texture format

The Material Template Library format (MTL) or .MTL File Format is a companion file format to .OBJ, also defined by Wavefront Technologies, that describes surface shading (material) properties of objects within one or more .OBJ files. A .OBJ file references one or more .MTL files (called 'material libraries'), and from there, references one or more material descriptions by name. .MTL files are ASCII text that define the light reflecting properties of a surface for the purposes of computer rendering, and according to the Phong reflection model. The standard has widespread support among different computer software packages, making it a useful format for interchange of materials.

File List Export 2 4 0 1 Ga 02 Nosh

The MTL format, although still widely used, is outdated and does not fully support later technologies such as specular maps and parallax maps. However, due to the open and intuitive nature of the format, these can easily be added with a custom MTL file generator.

The MTL format defines a number of formats.[2][3]

Basic materials[edit]

A single .mtl file may define multiple materials. Materials are defined one after another in the file, each starting with the newmtl command:

The ambient color of the material is declared using Ka. Color definitions are in RGB where each channel's value is between 0 and 1.

Similarly, the diffuse color is declared using Kd.

The specular color is declared using Ks, and weighted using the specular exponentNs.

Materials can be transparent. This is referred to as being dissolved. Unlike real transparency, the result does not depend upon the thickness of the object. A value of 1.0 for 'd' is the default and means fully opaque, as does a value of 0.0 for 'Tr'. Dissolve works on all illumination models.

Transparent materials can additionally have a Transmission Filter Color, specified with 'Tf'.

A material can also have an optical density for its surface. This is also known as index of refraction.

Values can range from 0.001 to 10. A value of 1.0 means that light does not bend as it passes through an object. Increasing the optical density increases the amount of bending. Glass has an index of refraction of about 1.5. Values of less than 1.0 produce bizarre results and are not recommended.[4]

Multiple illumination models are available, per material. Note that it is not required to set a transparent illumination model in order to achieve transparency with 'd' or 'Tr', and in modern usage illum models are often not specified, even with transparent materials. The illum models are enumerated as follows:

Texture maps[edit]

Textured materials use the same properties as above, and additionally define texture maps. Below is an example of a common material file. See the full wavefront file format reference for more details.

Texture map statements may also have option parameters (see full spec).

Texture options[edit]

For example,

For reflection maps..

Vendor specific alterations[edit]

Because of the ease in parsing the files, and the unofficial spreading of the file format, files may contain vendor specific alterations.

According to the spec, options are supposed to precede the texture filename. However, at least one vendor generates files with options at the end.

Physically-based Rendering[edit]

The creators of the online 3D editing and modeling tool,, proposed extending the MTL format to contain the following parameters to represent the physically-based rendering parameters:[5]

Further proposed extensions come from the DirectXMesh toolkit for Microsoft's DirectX engine, allowing the ability to define a model's pre-compiled RMA material.[6]

See also[edit]

  • PLY (file format) is an alternative file format offering more flexibility than most stereolithography applications.


  1. ^'How can I include vertex color information in .OBJ files?'. Game Development Stack Exchange. Retrieved 2014-10-08.
  2. ^'MTL Files - Material Definitions for OBJ Files'. 2004-06-14. Retrieved 2010-11-26.
  3. ^'Wavefront .mtl file format info - GRIPES and GRUMBLES - Wings - Wings3D - Official Development Forum - Message Board'. Retrieved 2010-11-26.
  4. ^Ramey, Diane (1995). 'MTL material format (Lightwave, OBJ)'. Alias-Wavefront, Inc. Retrieved May 17, 2020.
  5. ^'Exocortex | Extending Wavefront MTL for Physically-Based Rendering'.
  6. ^'Ability to define RMA texture in OBJ's MTL. by MattFiler · Pull Request #39 · microsoft/DirectXMesh'. GitHub.

External links[edit]

  • j
Retrieved from ''

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